I used to install some of my own RPM's within the 'postInstall'-script
of Mandrake AutoInstall. Since a few days this doesn't work anymore.

A 'rpm -i ....' hangs silently and I have to kill it manually and then
the installation goes further.

Within the 'postInstall'-script I used to have


If I comment this out, the 'rpm -i ....' works again, but then in some
RPM's there where things started which shouldn't during installation
(eg. restarting font server).

What I'm doing wrong?

Liebe Grüße, Nora.
     IM-NETZ Neue Medien, Berlin               http://www.im-netz.de/
     WWW von Frauen für Frauen, Hamburg        http://www.w4w.net/
     Lesbian Computer Networks, Helsinki       http://www.sappho.net/

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