Am Don, 2002-09-12 um 02.19 schrieb Todd Lyons:
> Norman Cleesattel wrote on Wed, Sep 11, 2002 at 12:43:55PM +0200 :
> > I wanted to build a new kernel. To do this I first wanted to compile it
> > with the mandrake config to see that everything was OK.
> > 
> > The procedure I used was the following. Checking the right Config in
> > KDE. Then going to a console
> make mrproper
> > ...:/usr/src/linux # make symlink dep (works)
> > ...:/usr/src/linux # make clean (works)
> > ...:/usr/src/linux # make zImage (fails because of size: could have
> > thought of that ;)
> > ...:/usr/src/linux # make bzImage (works)
> > ...:/usr/src/linux # make modules (fails)
> > The failure came from /usr/src/linux/drivers/atm/eni.o
> > so I took that part out of the kernel (figured I wouldn't need it
> Must do a make mrproper first.  Search the archives for the reason why
> (google is the best to search with).

OK, I've tried the mrproper first.
But if I use mrproper, I can't even "make dep" or "make symlinks dep"
without an error resolving from the /usr/src/linux-2.4.19-9mdk/3rdparty
folder, because mrproper hosed the makefile in that folder, that is now

I have a real stupid question: If I just change the CPU option to Athlon
and rebuild the kernel with all other options as were, do I need to make
the modules at all, since I've not changed or added any?


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