Hi rl,

Thanks for the link. The research summaries look interesting! I'm also curious about your unorthodox views...

Best regards,



You pose good questions, and the example you give ("less dynamic range
than a 1909 Edison") is itself a wonderful illustration of "bad
premises leading to wrong game".

Lots of good material on the CoCo site summarizing research on
Prisoners Dilemma and Tragedy of the Commons. My own take on those is
far from orthodox, so I'll hold my tongue for now and let you poke
around the research summaries
(http://cooperationcommons.com/summaries) and see what you find.

Also, I am on a list dedicated to the digital music industry. If you
like I can forward some of your note to that list, or better still,
email me privately and I will point you to their sign up page.



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