Hello Everyone

Where does coot get monomers from?
Is it my ccp4 distribution? Or the coot distribution (It's a kind of old coot)

I'd like to use get monomer for a ligand I've created a dictionary for - not one known to ccp4.

I can create the cif for the monomer (and the pdb) and give it an unused 3-letter code.
I put the cif into the ccp4 monomer library directory tree
I added the new monomer to mon_lib.list

I did this for both the ccp4 and coot distributions.

I still get a fatal error that the monomer is not found in the library.

If I read in the cif file, that doesn't work either (but I bet refinement would work).

Is there a different index file I need to update?


Dr. Sue A. Roberts
Biochemistry & Molecular Biophysics
University of Arizona
520 621 8171

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