Murray, Michael (NIH/NIEHS) [F] wrote:
Hello all,

I am thinking about purchasing a Spacenavigator from 3Dconnexion.  I vaguely
remember Paul mentioning something about the device in a recent talk but I
can't quite remember the context.  I was wondering if it was compatible
and/or useful with Coot.  There was apparently some discussion on the board
about support in 2007 but I don't see any mention since.

Any information would be appreciated.  This would ideally work on a Mac
running OS X 10.5 but I could always dual boot into Linux if necessary.

Hello Michael,

Yes I did mention it. Under "Things to come". There is no way it will work currently. ("2007"? Eek!).

I look forward to having a play with one - it will give my left hand something other to do than prop up my head...

Oh, and in the meantime, if you are using a Mac, you could amuse yourself with a set of PowerMates. They work nicely with Coot.


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