On 4 February 2013 19:31, Joe Darcy <joe.da...@oracle.com> wrote:
> The stripTrailingZeros method has acted in this surprising way since the
> IBM-led JSR 13 was integrated into the platform back in JDK 5, which shipped
> in 2004.
> This situation is analogous to when the specification and behavior disagree.
> Our general policy to resolve such cases when evolving the JDK is:
> "..., there are times in evolving the JDK when differences are found between
> the specified behavior and the actual behavior (for example 4707389,
> 6365176). The two basic approaches to fixing these bugs are to change the
> implementation to match the specified behavior or to change the
> specification (in a platform release) to match the implementation's (perhaps
> long-standing) behavior; often the latter option is chosen since it has a
> lower de facto impact on behavioral compatibility."
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~darcy/OpenJdkDevGuide/OpenJdkDevelopersGuide.v0.777.html
> If this issue were being addressed before JDK 5 shipped or even during JDK
> 6, I would support changing the behavior of stripTrailingZeros.  However,
> for addressing this in JDK 8, I think it is more appropriate to keep the
> behavior as-is and document this special case.

I don't see what JDK 5 vs 6 vs 8 really has to do with it. Sun/Oracle
has a large bug backlog, and this is just one of them. Fixing it is
not that hard, and I can't see how fixing it would be risky to the
world's applications.

Without this, people like us (OpenGamma) have to have work-arounds:


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