On 11/15/2013 9:07 AM, David Holmes wrote:
On 16/11/2013 2:37 AM, Kumar Srinivasan wrote:

Hi David,

Hi Kumar,

I don't quite see how this gets the "jre" part of a JDK:

!         JAVA_JRE_BIN = new File(JAVAHOME, "bin").getAbsolutePath();
!         File libDir = (isSDK)
! ? new File((new File(JAVAHOME)).getParentFile(), "lib")
!                 : new File(JAVAHOME, "lib");
!         JAVA_LIB = libDir.getAbsolutePath();
!         JAVA_JRE_LIB = new File(JAVAHOME, "lib").getAbsolutePath();

do you assume JAVAHOME points to the jre directory ??

JAVAHOME = System.getProperty("java.home");

so in the case of the jdk that is exactly what happens, see output below.

% ./build/linux-x86_64-normal-server-release/images/j2sdk-image/bin/java
-XshowSettings:props -version 2>&1 | grep java.home
     java.home =

% ./build/linux-x86_64-normal-server-release/jdk/bin/java
-XshowSettings:props -version 2>&1 | grep java.home
     java.home = /X-OUT/build/linux-x86_64-normal-server-release/jdk

% ./build/linux-x86_64-normal-server-release/images/j2re-image/bin/java
-XshowSettings:props -version 2>&1 | grep java.home
     java.home =

Thanks for clarifying that. I was confused by the fact that when I have to set JAVA_HOME it points to the the directory that contains the bin directory (which may be top-level or jre).

I think that was the reason I named that var JAVAHOME vs. JAVA_HOME when I
initially created TestHelper.java, I think it ought to be JRE_HOME, oh well that is
for another rainy day.



BTW these tests being in tools/launcher are defined to require a JDK
by definition, but jtreg should be passed a compilejdk when testing a
JRE, and the test could also use that for the compiler if it needs one.

  thanks for pointing that out, I had forgotten all about compilejdk.



On 15/11/2013 12:54 PM, Kumar Srinivasan wrote:

Hi Mandy,

Thanks for reviewing this, comments inlined.

Hi Kumar,

On 11/14/2013 2:57 PM, Kumar Srinivasan wrote:

Please review fixes to the launcher tests, which allows for missing
server vm variant.

All SE platforms have server vm, however  Embedded SE systems do
not contain server, most of them have client, thus these
tests needed to be compensated for that.


In ExecutionEnvironment.java, I understand the fix in line 251 and 257 that address the bug reported. However, I don't understand why doExec
calls to launch javaCmd has to specify "-server" or "client".   The
jdk should have a default VM and should the test use that?

I was being over-zealous, and trying not to rely on jvm.cfg, note that
jvm.cfg aliases -client to -server on 64-bit systems, I removed these
changes, as it does not add anything.


 144         JAVA_JRE_LIB = new File((new
 145                         (isSDK) ? "jre/lib" :

If JAVA_HOME is a JDK build (or JRE image), does this give you
an incorrect path?  I expect getParentFile() is not needed in that

You are right this is an error, fixed.

This is copy-n-paste in many places. Does the test require
to run on JDK image (not JDK build)?

The test runs on both j2sdk-image and JDK build, I use both
during development with the old infra/jdk7.

With the new infra I  use only images, because it is much faster now
to create images, also on Solaris images are mandatory, because
solaris symlinks exists only in the the images and there is a test
which checks for these in ExecutionEnvironment.java.
Note: these tests cannot be run on j2re-image as jtreg and the test
needs the compiler, downside of converting to java tests.

 189     private static boolean haveVmVariant(String type) {
 190         if (isWindows) {
 191             File vmDir = new File(JAVA_JRE_BIN, type);
 192             File jvmFile = new File(vmDir, JVM_DLL);

jvm.dll should be under jre/bin/client or jre/bin/server as in other
arch, right?

Right windows no arch directory,output below.
% find . -name jvm.dll

*nixes do have arch directory (i386, amd64, ppc, etc).

A minor refactoring done.

New  full webrev:

Delta webrev wrt. webrev.0



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