On 11/15/2013 10:04 PM, John Rose wrote:
On Nov 14, 2013, at 7:21 PM, Joseph Darcy <joe.da...@oracle.com> wrote:

Catching up on email, the specification of java.lang.Class does not explicitly 
promise that its notion of equality must be identity for all time. Therefore, 
while not required for today's implementations, I would prefer that new code we 
write in the JDK use equals rather than == when comparing classes.
There's no possible future where java.lang.Class would return true for equals 
but false for == (acmp).  So there's no future-proofing to do here.

Reification of generics might require something like this, but we could not break class 
identity without (as others have pointed out) breaking compatibility with a huge amount 
of code "in the wild".

Before that would happen, we would introduce a new auxiliary type (e.g., 
java.lang.Species and java.lang.Object::getSpecies) that would represent the 
richer view of an object's runtime type.

I do hope, in a future release, to "hack" reference equality, but in a 
different direction, allowing == (acmp) to return true *more often*, not allowing it to 
return *less often*.  The point will be to align the semantics of equals and acmp *more* 
closely for some types, notably the wrappers and java.lang.String.  (Interned referneces 
are so last-century.)

— John

I think I prefer Variety to Species to get ride of the ambiguous plural.


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