PS After additional reading, I propose to add the follow clause to where using the annotation is not appropriate:

 * <li>the {@code writeObject}, {@code readObject}, and {@code
 * readObjectNoData} methods in a class that is {@code
 * Externalizable}. While the {@code Externalizable} interface extends
 * {@code Serializable}, those three methods are not used for
 * externalizable classes.

How does that sound?



On 5/10/2018 1:22 PM, joe darcy wrote:
Hi Roger,

Right; there are a few other distinguished methods defined for externalization, but they are defined on the as methods on the Externalizable interface as far as I can tell. The existence of externalization is mentioned in the javac lint bug JDK-8202385.

I'll add as sentence indicating that the checks are for "Serializable but not Externalizable" classes.



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