
Thanks for the nudge; I'll get to this sometime after the Skara transition for jdk/jdk.



On 9/3/2020 9:29 AM, Chris Dennis wrote:
In case there is a need for extra motivation here:

import java.util.stream.DoubleStream;

public class Test8214761 {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
     double a = Double.valueOf(args[0]);
     if (Math.ulp(a) <= Math.ulp(Math.nextAfter(a, 0))) {
       System.out.println("Stable addition");
     } else {
       double b = Math.signum(a) * Math.ulp(a) / 2;

       double sum = a + b;
       double streamSum = DoubleStream.of(a, b).sum();

       System.out.println(a + " + " + b + "\n => " + sum);
       System.out.println("DoubleStream.of(" + a + ", " + b + ").sum()\n => " + 

$ java -showversion Test8214761 1
openjdk version "16-internal" 2021-03-16
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 16-internal+0-cdennis.0178d0f136e9)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 16-internal+0-cdennis.0178d0f136e9, mixed mode, 
1.0 + 1.1102230246251565E-16
  => 1.0
DoubleStream.of(1.0, 1.1102230246251565E-16).sum()
  => 0.9999999999999999

That's the sum of two positive doubles returning a result smaller than one of 
the two.

Apologies for the zeal,


On 8/27/20, 10:52 AM, "Chris Dennis" <chris.w.den...@gmail.com> wrote:


     I've run in to this while running tests that check computation results 
against the expected bounds of a Kahan summation. Any chance that this gets 
picked up in the near future?



     On 12/13/18, 6:16 PM, "core-libs-dev on behalf of Ivan Gerasimov" 
<core-libs-dev-boun...@openjdk.java.net on behalf of ivan.gerasi...@oracle.com> wrote:

         Gentle ping.

         On 12/9/18 7:37 PM, Ivan Gerasimov wrote:
         > Hello!
         > DoubleSummaryStatistics takes advantage of Kahan summation algorithm
         > to reduce the error of the total sum.
         > Internally it maintains a field double sumCompensation, which keeps
         > lower bits (which were rounded off) of the last addition.
         > Note, that the compensation has to be subtracted from the result to
         > add those bits back:
         >  166     private void sumWithCompensation(double value) {
         >  167         double tmp = value - sumCompensation;
         >  168         double velvel = sum + tmp; // Little wolf of rounding 
         >  169         sumCompensation = (velvel - sum) - tmp;
         >  170         sum = velvel;
         >  171     }
         > At the line 169, tmp normally has more lower bits than (velvel - 
         > However, when two DoubleSummaryStatistics objects are combined, this
         > compensation part is *added* to the total, which may result in a less
         > accurate result.
         > The same bug is replicated in DoubleStreams.
         > Would you please help review the fix?
         > BUGURL: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8214761
         > WEBREV: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~igerasim/8214761/00/webrev/

         With kind regards,
         Ivan Gerasimov

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