On Fri, 23 Apr 2021 at 17:08, Brian Goetz <brian.go...@oracle.com> wrote:
> This has come up before.  For example, during an early iteration of the 
> Stream design, before parallelism entered the picture.  The first 
> scrawled-on-a-napkin prototype for streams was based on Iterator, and it took 
> about a minute to realize that we could do a much better job if we had a 
> slightly broader interface to work with, essentially Iterator+Sized.
> When you pull on this string, you end up with a lot of new interfaces, such 
> as SizedIterator, SizedIterable, etc, in part because ... we have no 
> intersection types.  Having lots of fine-grained interfaces for "has X" and 
> "has Y" is nice from a "bucket of lego bricks" library-design perspective, 
> but when the user goes to express "I need an aggregate that has sizes, 
> iterators, and encounter order", you end up with code like:
>     <T, X extends Iterable<T>&Sized> void foo(X x) { ... }
> and then you run into the wall of "but I can only use intersection types in 
> these places in the language."  The idiom of having fine-grained mix-in-ish 
> interfaces really wants a language with intersection types.
> Additionally, I am having a hard time imagining how Sized would be usable by 
> a client; no method will *take* a Sized (it's just not broad enough), and I 
> can't immediately imagine what would even *return* a Sized.  If the type is 
> not suitable for use by clients, then it serves only to organize the library 
> itself, and that's a weaker motivation.
> Is there a compelling example of where this would be used by clients?

Here are some examples:

ie. the ability to spot an "empty" object, or ensure input is
non-empty. Use cases are generally in low-level/framework code like
this, where the actual input data type is not known.


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