SZÉPE Viktor writes:

Idézem/Quoting Sam Varshavchik <>:

> SZÉPE Viktor writes:
>> Hello!
>> I've found a list of domains with the MX record
>> (
>> Is there a way to throw away all emails going to ?
>> Thank you.
> The "bofh badmx" setting in the courier config file. See the
> courier(8) man page.

Thank you.

My question is about *outgoing* emails.

I think badmx is for mail reception.

Yes, that's for incoming mail.

There's nothing specific for blocking mail to a particular MX. If you don't want to send mail to a particular domain, well, don't send it.

There are just several hackish way to bounce mail to a particular server. If you run your own DNS server you can simply inject a manual DNS entry for them, pointing to Or, you can add that hostname to the locals file, making Courier think it's the name of the local machine, so it'll attempt to find a local mailbox of that name. Dependending on whether your mailbox happens to match the name of the recipient's mailbox, that can either be good, or bad…

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