Lucio Crusca writes:

Now for the problem. Out of 6 accounts. 5 do work correctly. For one of
them Courier replies "456 Address temporarily unavailable".
"courier clear" on maxwell does not change the reply I get afterwards.

The 456 occurs only after a previous mail delivery failure. It's a temporary block on an email address that failed delivery. There's nothing to be done about it, the only thing you can do is address the original delivery failure.

You need to carefully examine your logs and locate the original delivery failure. The "courier clear" command takes an argument, either the email address or "courier clear all".

The email address given to "courier clear" may not necessarily be what you think it is when it is a local address, as a result of mail aliasing. So use "courier clear all" to remove all addresses, then make a delivery attempt, and carefully observe what the logs say.

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