David Golden wrote:
19. Make repository resource a hash

[Note, a separate "Make repository more machine readable" proposal
has been merged into this one.]


Currently we have a simple URL for the repository contained in the
resources/repository key.  It would be good if more information could be
specified in order to allowed automated tools to do manipulations on the
repository rather than the shipped distribution

I suggest that we (optionally?) allow a hash of data to be stored in

* A distinct URL for the web front end to the repsotitory and the
  repository itself

* The repository format (cvs, svn, darcs, git, etc)

* The repository type (free form string, but I'm thinking "sourceforce"
  "github" etc, that would allow automated tools that know how to use
  repositories that function like those webhosts to do the right thing

For example:

        web: http://github.com/2shortplanks/test-time-hires
        url: git://github.com/2shortplanks/test-time-hires.git
        format: git
        type: github

"url" is not enough to describe how to checkout from a CVS repository. At least username and password (for "cvs login") and url and module (for "cvs -d url co module") are needed.

Do we need the distinction between anonymous (read-only) and read-write access? Or should be assume that only the read-only specification is necessary?


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