> META.yml is actually fairly reasonable for p6, but "whatever" - and new
> indexes have previously been generated by entities other than PAUSE. But
> I'ld love to see patches to PAUSE to generate reasonable P6 indexes.
> (Whether Andreas would  like such a thing is another question entirely
> (and the one that actually matters.)
> I'm led to believe that there's active work in the Rakudo community 
> on a new client.
> I, for one, would be REALLY, REALLY UNHAPPY if we jettison the P6
> community from CPAN. Keeping Perl in one Comprehensive Archive Network  
> is something we should try as hard as possible to maintain.

Agreed.  There's no reason we couldn't get Perl 6 to work with CPAN.  I
think small incremental steps and loose coupling will be the way.  If
the Perl 5 side of things gets better while doing it, well, we cannot

> Best,
> Jesse

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