On Apr 14, 2010, at 8:55 AM, Graham Barr wrote:

> On Apr 14, 2010, at 6:48 AM, Tim Bunce wrote:
>>> If we separate Perl 5 and Perl 6 distributions within the file system,
>>> we can distinguish between them easily and without relying on indexes,
>>> meta data files or other elements of complexity.
>> True, but is that *really* a significant need? Why bother?
> If we do not, then we need a different naming convention for the tar files.
> Otherwise how can we upload FooBar-1.45.tar.gz that works for perl5 and also
> FooBar-1.45.tar.gz that is written in perl6
> The perl5 version may work with perl6, but no visa-versa.
> I think there needs to be some separation in the file space in order
> to do this. Using a directory perl6/ and controlling that via PAUSE
> seems a bit more reliable and consistent than expecting users to use
> a particular convention not to confuse files.

I remember bringing this up in one of the panel discussions at OSCON following 
the decision to go with Perl6 as it will prove to be problematic, especially 
given the limitations in the namespace, and I think they will need to be very 
separate. I haven't kept up with P6 development and the module conventions, but 
I had thought this particular issue had been solved with requiring 'Perl6::' or 
something similar to distinguish P5 from P6 modules. Briefly looking at the P6 
synopsis for CPAN ( http://perlcabal.org/syn/S22.html ) still gives me the 
impression that there will be a version prefix and that cpan6 is still in 
development, both of which still seem like very good ideas.
>>> We also thought that it might be relatively easy for to add
>>> radio-boxes to the PAUSE upload page to indicate Perl 5 or Perl 6 and
>>> to place Perl 6 distributions into the proper directory without it
>>> having to be specified explicitly.  (Whether it *must* be specified as
>>> one or the other, which would require updates to Perl 5 tools like
>>> CPAN::Uploader I will defer to Andreas' judgment.)
>> No need for a radio-box if PAUSE auto-detects from the META file.
> I think there are arguments both for and against. For example
> what to do if PAUSE cannot detect ?

In a post-P6 world, I'd say if it can't be detected, it should be rejected 
since it will be an important, if not essential, piece of information for PAUSE.


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