On 11/14/2016 02:45 PM, Karen Etheridge wrote:
In this case, adding '.' to the distribution's Makefile.PL made no
difference.  I had to add "use lib ('.');" to Auxiliary.pm to enable it to
locate 'eligible_chars', after which 'make test' PASSed.

Based on this example and several other failures, my hunch is that many
of the failures which we'll see on CPAN are failures of *tests* rather than
failures of the modules themselves.

I would agree.  I'd also encourage authors to not add "use lib '.';" to
their tests to fix these issues, but rather move the test modules to t/lib
and instead "use lib 't/lib'".

Well, now that you mention it ...

One of the other distros that failed when I was trying this out earlier today was Module-Runtime. I submitted a patch for Zefram's review in https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=118768. In that patch, as well as in the patch to my own distro, I simply added '.'. Feel free to kibitz in 118768.


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