> On Jan 18, 2017, at 5:23 PM, Olivier Mengué <olivier.men...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Todd, 
> When I started to seriously code in Perl 10 years ago (going besides scripts 
> to modules and CPAN distributions) I immediately thought: "Having '.' in @INC 
> doesn't seem a good idea. It could be exploited in a similar way as having 
> '.' in $ENV{PATH}". But Perl was already 20 years old, CPAN 10 years old and 
> I thought it was already too late for a fix. So I have started to write test 
> suite code assuming the tests were run from the root of the distribution and 
> that the root of the distribution was in @INC. So I wrote many tests modules 
> in a directory t/lib and teir package names start with "t::lib::" so I can 
> just "use t::lib::TestModule". And I'm not alone using that style: 
> http://grep.cpan.me/?q=t%3A%3Alib%3A%3A <http://grep.cpan.me/?q=t::lib::>

Sure. Even more of a problem is "use inc::Module::Install;"

> So I don't think your major break can avoid a major effort to patch CPAN and 
> DarkPAN code. Either with new fixed CPAN releases or with distroprefs.

Others have claimed this. I don't think it's as hopeless as you say. Much of 
what I'm suggesting has already been implemented via patches in the perl that 
cPanel ships with little or no fallout. 

> > What at this point I feel is lacking is agreement and/or discussion that 
> > the above is the correct approach to solving this problem.
> A few questions:
> - If the CPAN clients and the modules installer will get 
> PERL_USE_UNSAFE_INC=1 built-in, I don't see how I will be able build an 
> environment to test my CPAN distributions that doesn't have . in @INC at all. 
> So it seems that in the name of preserving backwards compatibility you are 
> stopping the move towards your long term goal. Or did I miss something?

My initial goal is to get . out of @INC in production environments. The build 
option -Ddefault_inc_excludes_dot provides this functionality. 

The one place that seems to be incurably broken with its dependance on . in 
@INC is the build/test/install system. I am not trying to fix that system at 
this time though I would encourage best practices going forward to discourage 
dependance on . in @INC.

> - If the testsuite runs with PERL_USE_UNSAFE_INC=1, but once installed the 
> runtime environment is not the same, issues with @INC will just be hidden in 
> the test run to be discovered at runtime. Adding "use lib '.';" at the top of 
> each test script will hide issues in the same way. So what's the point of 
> running the testsuite if it can't show issues?

For the most part that has not shown to be true. In the distro of RPMs that I 
maintain with about 1000 RPMs and the distro Debian maintains with many more, 
we have not seen any valid dependance on . in @INC once the modules are 

> But I have another proposal. Instead of modifying CPAN clients, builders and 
> App::Prove to inject '.' into @INC, what about instead injecting in @INC the 
> *absolute path of the root of the distribution* being 
> configured/built/tested/installed? I think that this would considerably 
> reduce the number of side effects and it would help to really isolate runtime 
> code that relies on '.' being in @INC (assuming that code is covered by a 
> testsuite).

Technically perl -Mblib does something very similar to this already. How would 
/home/cpan/Moo instead of . be a safer or saner path? Keep in mind nothing that 
has been done so far has discouraged require/use from supporting relative 
paths. We've only taken it out of the default.

Thanks for your thoughts!


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