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From: Klint Finley <klintfin...@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Oct 17, 2017 at 10:07 PM
Subject:  Press inquiry from WIRED: What happens to open source projects
when their maintainers pass away?

Hi, I'm a reporter for Wired.com and I'm working on a story about the
afterlife of open source projects after their maintainers pass away.

In many cases, open source projects are owned by foundations that can
handle a transition. But in many cases, smaller projects can fall through
the cracks. That's what happened with Ruby developer Jim
Weirich's rspec-given testing tool. Justin Searls ended up taking over, but
he had to talk Ruby Gems into giving him control over the project.

That incident raises a number of questions about what to do in situations
where multiple outside developers and projects depend on modules owned and
maintained by a single developer.

With that in mind I'm wondering if the CPAN project has any policies for
reassigning ownership of modules in the event that an owner passes away.

I'm also wondering if anyone over there knows of any other examples of
notable orphaned open source projects.


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