This is a CPAN distribution naming question.

My understanding is that the 'App' top-level namespace on CPAN is intended for the use of distributions which someone will primarily use by running an executable program found in the distribution's 'bin/' directory rather than by constructing program using functions found in .pm files under the 'lib/' directory.


Distribution            Executable
App-cpanminus           cpanm
App-cpanminus-reporter  cpanm-reporter

Now suppose that I want to write a library which subclasses an 'App' distribution but where I don't want to provide an "app", i.e., where I'm not going to write a script in the 'bin/' directory but am simply going to write methods in a module underneath 'lib/'.

Should such a library go into the 'App' namespace? I wouldn't think so, because it no longer provides an app.

On the other hand, our ordinary practice when subclassing is to extend the name one directory deeper. Dropping the 'App-' from the start of a distro's name when subclassing the distro deviates from this practice. That's potentially confusing to CPAN users.

Specifically, I want to create a distro which subclass garu's App-cpanminus-reporter but does not provide an installable in 'bin/'. Do I call it:


... or


... or something else?

Thank you very much.
Jim Keenan

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