On Tue, 27 Mar 2018, James E Keenan wrote:

Date: Tue, 27 Mar 2018 15:17:59 +0200
From: James E Keenan <jkee...@pobox.com>
To: cpan-workers@perl.org
Subject: Is the CPAN river always a DAG?

A few weeks ago I made a presentation to the Philadelphia Perlmongers (http://thenceforward.net/perl/talks/phlpm20180312/index.html) on the subject "Testing CPAN against the Perl 5 Core Distribution: Where Do We Stand?". In that presentation, I sketched the concept of the CPAN river and described it as a directed acyclic graph (DAG) (http://thenceforward.net/perl/talks/phlpm20180312/slide017.html), using one of Neil Bower's images to make that point.

In the discussion afterwards, a prominent former COBOL programmer suggested that there was nothing to exclude the possibility of circular dependencies among CPAN distributions. A could depend on B, which depends on C, which depends on A. If so, we would have a cyclic graph. Wouldn't that undermine the concept of the CPAN river, he asked.

Since all I know about DAGs I got from reading Wikipedia and the documentation to Jarkko's Graph.pm module, I didn't have a good response. So I promised to ask the question here.

* Can CPAN be cyclic?

  Yes ; considered as a graph, CPAN has points (modules),
  and links from point A to point B iff A uses B.
  Given a set of modules, any graph is possible.

  It is not hard to find a cycles, if (at least one) exists ;
  but if you find a cycle, it is (a priori) not clear how to break it.

* If so, then does that mean that, when we speak of CPAN as a river, we are *imposing* DAG-ness on it by means of the algorithm(s) with which we calculate the river (e.g., https://github.com/dagolden/zzz-index-cpan-meta)?

  You can always make a DAG of CPAN, by leaving out links
  (dependencies) or points (modules).
  It is not so easy to find a minimal set of links to leave out.

Jim Keenan


  Henk Penning

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Henk P. Penning, ICT-beta                 R Uithof MG-403    _/ \_
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