On Jun 15, 2009, at 4:37 PM, M.-A. DARCHE wrote:

Richard MAHONEY a écrit :
On Sun, Jun 14, 2009 at 10:37:51PM +0200, M.-A. DARCHE wrote:

First, sorry to break the thread. I've just noticed that I did forget to subscribe to the CPS mailing lists anew with a personal email address
since I left Nuxeo.

I won't try to hide the fact that this news has made me a little
dispirited ;( I do hope someone has `taken up the slack' since your

Georges is that person! :-)

Indeed; I just couldn't find the time to make an announcement. Funny that somehow we simply exchanged positions :-)

And I myself too run some CPS instances and do rely on them.
So CPS development and support is not over.

So do I, btw. I mean besides Nuxeo's commercial support, of course.

Now I'd understand if you'd feel disappointed that utf-8 support got postponed after stuff like the new themes engine, but there are opportunities I mustn't let pass by. Actually, they could be done in parallel, but I don't have enough resources for that, currently. A good side effect is that the themes stuff should also save us lots of time.

Georges Racinet, http://www.racinet.fr
Zope/CPS/Plone expertise, assistance & development
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