Hi everyone,

We've been promising since 3.5.0 is out that 3.5.1 would be about CPS leaving the too narrow realm of iso-8859-15 to support utf-8 input/ output (and of course, internally, unicode python objects).

We've all be waiting for that for a long time. Even for monolingual French portals, this move is a must (see this non iso character hereā€¦) I'm now pleased to confirm that this is almost done : There is now one of the bleeding edge portals I directly maintain inputing and outputing utf-8. This portal provides permanent functional testing for these features.

Current Unicode branches

Those of you with mercurial repositories may have noticed the apparition of 'unicode' branches in CPS a few weeks ago. They've been actually created by merging the trunk in older branches (based on CPS 3.4.6) that provided support for a big yet not full nor really generic subset of functionalities. There was some debate over this decision, but it got settled by the first merge attemps showing mercurial doing a really great job of limiting conflicts.

Don't hesitate to ask questions on the -devel list about the technical choices.

Now what ?

The unicode branches will be leveraged in a few more other CPS live portals during the forthcoming two weeks. This actually requires finishing the preparation of a couple more products (see below). After that, the unicode branches will be merged, and a release candidate will be issued.

Please note that It's highly probable that really old or seldom used products won't be upgraded till then, so they won't be part of the 3.5.1 release. For the record, here's the generic part of the bundle describing the currently online portal:

  <include-bundles server-url="http://hg.cps-cms.org/CPS";>
<branch name="unicode" path="bundles" subpath="CPS-3-full" target="CPS-3-full"/>
    <exclude target="CPSTaskTracker" />
    <exclude target="CPSBlog" />
    <exclude target="CPSCourrier" />
    <exclude target="BayesCore" />
    <exclude target="CPSBayes" />
    <exclude target="CPSWiki" />
    <exclude target="CPSOOo" />
    <exclude target="CPSChat" />
    <exclude target="CPSCollector" />
    <exclude target="CPSForum" />
    <exclude target="CPSTypeMaker" />
    <exclude target="CPSUid" />

This is therefore the list of those products that aren't unicode-ready at the time of this writing. Of those, I will personnally take care of CPSCollector, and CPSBlog and CPSWiki should follow soon. As usual, all contributions are very welcome. Products not ready at the time of RC won't be part of it, nor of the final release. They may come back in 3.5.2, but if still not ready by then, they will move to 'legacy'.


Georges Racinet, http://www.racinet.fr
Zope/CPS/Plone expertise, assistance & development
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