On Fri, 05.09.14 01:40, Jakub Filak (jfi...@redhat.com) wrote:

> Hello systemd,
> I’m a ABRT developer and I’d like to replace ABRT’s coredumper with
> systemd-coredump and read coredumps from systemd-journal. In order
> to achieve my goal, I need to extend the set of captured /proc/$PID/[files]
> by systemd-coredump, because we attach those files in Bugzilla bugs.
> Files from /proc/PID needed by ABRT:
>   status
>   maps
>   limits
>   cgroup
>   open_fds
>   environ
>   cmdline
>   cwd
>   rootdir
> Do you have any objections to my plan or hints to achieve my goal?
> I’d be grateful for any feedback you may have.

Sounds like good things to add, happy to take a patch. the cmdline and
cgroup we already have (at least in the journal, not on the coredump
files though -- where we only attach the stuff we get racefreely
passed in from the kernel, not the stuff we have to read from /proc,
potentially racefully, at least currently). Attaching all data on the
coredumps as xattrs should be conceptually OK, but this might not end
up working due to size limits on xattr imposed by ext4? if the "maps"
for example might grow large we might not be able to use xattrs to
store this in. If we cannot store this in xattrs I think we should
prefer to not invent another storage but simply query the journal for
the additional metdata.


Lennart Poettering, Red Hat

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