Hi there,

Some months ago I proposed switching the arch, maps, server, and client repositories to Git. Since feedback on the mailing list was positive, I think now is a good time to make the switch.

- If you have SVN checkouts of the arch, maps, server, or client
  repositories, get Git and clone the Git version from:


  If you are running a server that tracks one of these repositories, you
  should probably update those, too.

- Before UTC Saturday 2021-05-08 22:00, please continue committing to
  SVN as usual. I will be manually keeping the Git up to date with SVN,
  so it may be a bit slow keeping up. Please do not commit to Git during
  this time.

- At UTC Saturday 2021-05-08 22:00, I will update these Git repositories
  from SVN one last time. Future commits in these repositories should go
  into Git. SVN will continue to be used for the repositories that
  haven't switched. The migrated repositories will still continue to
  exist in SVN for a while, but should not be committed to. Hopefully
  nobody gets confused by the fact that there are two repositories. At
  some point, perhaps we should delete these repositories from SVN.

I'd like to tentatively suggest this policy for commits going into Git:

1. To preserve linear history, no merge commits in 'master'. When
   merging branches into 'master', rebase the branch against 'master'
   and then do a fast-forward from 'master'.

2. Commit messages begin with a short, one-line summary, followed by a
   blank line, followed by more detailed explanatory text, if necessary.
   Lines are wrapped to approximately 72-ish characters.

Comments and feedback is appreciated, as is your patience while we make the switch.

crossfire mailing list

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