I think the smith in Scorn is broken.  He took my shield and money, but is never able to finish.

While I have local changes, I don't think anything impacts this. I see this in the logs:

23/04/12 21:05:41 [DD] CFPython: running script /usr/games/crossfire/share/crossfire/maps/python/dialog/npc_dialog.py 23/04/12 21:05:41 [DD] CFPython: Loading NPC dialog /usr/games/crossfire/share/crossfire/maps/scorn/shops/smith.msg 23/04/12 21:05:41 [EE] CFPython: CFDialog: Failed to evaluate condition ['age', 'orderplaced', '0', '0', '1', '0', '0']: name 'Crossfire' is not defined. 23/04/12 21:05:41 [DD] CFPython: Ignoring NPC dialog from ['smith_finished.msg'], conditions not met

This is on the crowcastle.com server.

Is this working elsewhere?

I have python 3.9 in case that matters.

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