On Fri, Jun 16, 2023 at 05:36:59PM -0700, Mark Wedel wrote:
> On 6/16/23 10:37, Rick Tanner wrote:
> >
> >Hello,
> >
> >While working on numerous maps, I have noticed that some map authors (and/or 
> >map editors) included a contact email address in the map header.
> >
> >Nearly all of these addresses are no longer valid. For instance, some are 
> >University (College) addresses. And, many are from people I have not "seen" 
> >online in many years.
> >
> >Given the different methods of communication we now have available - IRC, 
> >Discord, and the mailing list -- those are the preferred ways to reach out 
> >to a map author for questions, comments, discussion, etc. instead of direct 
> >emails to the author.
> >
> >Does anyone have any concerns in regards to removing the email addresses 
> >from the map headers?
> >
> >If there are no issues or concerns, I will take care of updating all the 
> >maps to remove this content. To give this discussion some time, I would look 
> >at starting to make this change in 2023-July.
>  I was thinking when I just saw the subject 'how many of those e-mail 
> addresses still work, and even if they do, is anyone looking at them'.
>  I think that with the fact everything is in publicly accessible source 
> control, people can always use that to see the original creator (or at least 
> importer) of a given map, as well as who has modified it recently.  That is 
> probably just as useful, if not more useful, than the info in the map header.
>  Even if someone does want the old information, they can always look for it 
> in the source history (look at the old version when it still exists).

Those few bytes aren't BOTHERING ANYONE and DOING NOTHING.  Leave them 
alone - they are historical artifacts of people and times that have 

What is the problem that they are bothering anyone?

Is this a social disease?

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that Brooklyn, like Atlantis, reaches mythological
proportions in the mind of the world - RI Safir 1998

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Being so tracked is for FARM ANIMALS and extermination camps, 
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