On Sun, 20 Jul 2008 22:41:42 +0200
Tilman Sauerbeck wrote:

> Hi,
> this has been brought up a couple of times already, but we never
> thought it was a big enough issue. Here it goes again:
> /usr/lib/locale/locale-archive is huge. With every glibc release it's
> growing some more. On this x86_64 system which runs glibc 2.7,
> locale-archive is 75 MB. That's just enough my personal pain threshold
> :P
> IMO with the next CRUX release, we should switch glibc from building
> it's huge /usr/lib/locale and instead ask users to build just the
> locales that they need.
> It should be just one more command to run after installing CRUX:
>   $ localedef -i de_DE -f UTF-8 de_DE.utf8
> Objections?
> Regards,
> Tilman

I've been doing this with my glibc port for a long, long time now. This
includes locale-gen and other things which make mass-generation of
locale's easier.

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