David Honig writes:

 > Even if I had the same hardware, perhaps the tolerances on my ADCs are
 > different from yours.  
 > And illumination levels will affect certain kinds of noise.

Sure, but the entropy generation rate will be in any case higher than
stuff coming from /dev/dsp
 > The point: Measure it.
 > Use Shannon's entropy formula, for instance.  
I'm not very well versed in such matters, and pressed for time in my
day/night job.

 > >I wouldn't mind any pointers to sources extracting, say, LSB from
 > >grabbed frames.
 > Distill (irreversibly compress, e.g., by xor'ing several words together)
 > your data.  Measure again; distill again until 1 bit/baud.  Hash before use.
I was looking for sources performing such steps. And I wouldn't want
to crypto-hash lest the raw entropy gets debased by hidden algorithmic 

 > Any OTP tool should facilitate or automate these steps.

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