I've written a number calculator applet as a number theory teaching 
tool. It exposes most of the functionality in the Java 1.1 (and 
later) BigInteger package, including prime checking and modular 
arithmetic.  One of its goals is to let people try out various 
cryptographic calculations by hand. For example, I try to describe a 
manual D-H key exchange procedure.

The applet and documentation is at 
http://world.std.com/~reinhold/BigNumCalc.html Unfortunately, 
Netscape 4.7 and earlier do not support Java 1.1, so you will need 
Internet Explorer 4.5 or later or the new Netscape 6.0. I've tested 
the applet using IE 5.0 and 5.5 on Windows 98 and IE 4.5 (MRJ) on the 

I'd like to get some feedback before I try to distribute the applet 
more widely. Comments, bug reports and test results on other 
browser/platform combinations would be most helpful. Also I'd be 
interested in suggestions as to a suitable open source repository for 
the Java source code.


Arnold Reinhold

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