Hi --

bear wrote:
On Thu, 2 Oct 2003, Zooko O'Whielacronx wrote:
R. L. Rivest and A. Shamir. How to expose an
eavesdropper. Communications of the ACM, 27:393-395, April 1984.

Ah. Interesting, I see. It's an interesting application of a bit-commitment scheme.

Ok, so my other mail came far too late to be useful to you ;-)

Why should this not be applicable to chess?  There's nothing to
prevent the two contestants from making "nonce" transmissions twice a
move when it's not their turn.

Maybe you have already a more advanced thing in mind than I do, but if your protocol would then look just like this--

- Alice sends first half of cyphertext of her move
- Bob sends first half of cyphertext of random nonce
- Alice sends second half
- Bob sends second half

and vice versa, consider this:

- Alice sends first half of cyphertext of her move (to Mitch)
- Mitch sends first half of cyphertext of random nonce (to Alice)
- Alice sends second half
- Mitch sends second half

- Mitch sends first half of cyphertext of Alice's move (to Bob)
- Bob sends first half of cyphertext of random nonce (to Alice)

I.e., you would need a protocol extension to verify the nonces somehow-- if that's possible at all-- or are you just faster than me, and have thought about a way to do that already?

- Benja

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