Rich Salz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>I think that rather than spending time on deciding what to call this library
>that is to-be-written, and how to license this library that is to-be-written,
>that time should be spent on, well, writing it. :)

I would add to this the observation that rather than writing yet another SSL
library to join the eight hundred or so already out there, it might be more
useful to create a user-friendly management interface to IPsec implementations
to join the zero or so already out there.  The difficulty in setting up any
IPsec tunnel is what's been motivating the creation of (often insecure) non-
IPsec VPN software, so what'd be a lot more helpful than (no offense, but) yet
another SSL implementation is some means of making IPsec easier to use
(although that may not be possible... OK, let's say "less painful to use" :-).


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