On Thu, Feb 10, 2005 at 06:24:46PM -0500, Steven M. Bellovin wrote:
> One member of this mailing list, in a private exchange, noted that
> he had asked his bank for their certificate's fingerprint.  My
> response was that I was astonished he found someone who knew what
> he was talking about.

I wrote on this list, in June 2003, the last time we had this
conversation (regarding a similar plugin called SSLBar):

"Maybe this is a stupid question, but exactly how are you supposed to
use this information to verify a cert? I've done an informal survey of
a few financial institutions whose sites use SSL, and the number of
them that were able to provide me with a fingerprint over the phone
was exactly zero."

Which bank was that person you mention talking to?

                                - Adam

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