From: Eu-Jin Goh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: FRI 15 JULY 1630 HRS : Reflective side-channel cryptanalysis
Date: Mon, 11 Jul 2005 08:46:19 -0700

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When -          FRI 15th July
                1630 hrs at Gates 4-B (opposite 490)

Who  -          Eran Tromer, Weizmann Institute of Science

What -          Reflective side-channel cryptanalysis
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Side-channel cryptanalysis exploits physical information leakage from
cryptographic devices to undermine their security. Most side-channel
attacks require special measurement equipment and are thus limited in

This talk will present two side channels that can be exploited in many
settings without special equipment. First, CPU cache contention leaks
information on memory access patterns in several ways. Second,
acoustic emanations from electronic circuit components can be
information-bearing and are often detectable by a plain
microphone. Applications of these side channels to RSA and AES will be

In some common cases these attacks can be carried out by software
within the target computer, allowing an unprivileged process to glean
secret information from privileged ones without any explicit
interaction. This raises new challenges for multiuser, partitioned and
sandboxed environments.

Joint work with Dag Arne Osvik and Adi Shamir. 

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Map to Gates Computer Science Building
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