Hello everyone.

It was at the RSA Conference ten years ago that the Secret Key
Challenges were issued, including the original DES Challenge.  Rocke
Verser's DESCHALL project, of course, went on to win that contest.
Source code for the project was covered by a ten-year non-disclosure
agreement.  Rocke has granted me permission to release the source code
for the classic fast DES key search clients and I have done so.

Additional server-side code, including the UDP<->HTTP proxies (both
sides) and the code for running the client distribution center, is
also available.

All of the goodies are at http://www.interhack.net/projects/deschall/.

There are also links there in the "Writings" section to some technical
descriptions of the code's operation.

I'm also looking for Darrell Kindred and Andrew Meggs, both of whom
contributed very fast bitslice clients to the project after we got it
up and running, to secure their permission for the release of their
code as well.  I think that the code is very interesting and of
historical significance.

Thanks to Rocke for allowing the release as well as to everyone who
worked on the DES challenges.


Matt Curtin,  author of  Brute Force: Cracking the Data Encryption Standard
Founder of Interhack Corporation  +1 614 545 4225 http://web.interhack.com/

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