On Jun 22, 2007, at 10:44 AM, Ali, Saqib wrote:

...whereas the key distribution systems we have aren't affected by
eavesdropping unless the attacker has the ability to perform 2^128 or
more operations, which he doesn't.

Paul: Here you are assuming that key exchange has already taken place.
But key exchange is the toughest part. That is where Quantum Key
Distribution QKD comes in the picture. Once the keys are exchanged
using QKD, you have to rely on conventional cryptography to do bulk
encryption using symmetric crypto.

Using Quantum Crypto to do bulk encryption doesn't make any sense. It
is only useful in key distribution.

Let me create an aphorism to sum up what Paul, Perry, and others have said in detail before I address your comment:

    If Quantum Cryptography does what is claims, then it is
    strengthening the strongest link in the chain of security.

Now to your comment.

If you do a 3000 bit Diffie-Hellman exchange, you have a key exchange with 2^128 security, to the best of our knowledge, assuming this and that, blah, blah, blah. If you don't like 3000 bit integers, go to elliptic curve.

I have in some of my talks, renamed Quantum Cryptography to Quantum Secrecy. If the QC people would stop calling it cryptography, a good deal of the hostility you find among us crypto people would evaporate.

Let me give an analogy. I will posit Quantum Message Teleportation. Using QMT, Alice can write her message on a piece of paper, close her eyes, and it will disappear from her hand and appear in Bob's hand.

This is cool. This is useful. It is amazing. It is also not cryptography.

It also has all the problems that Perry points out in QC, like a lack of authentication and so on. Like QC, adding cryptography to it makes it even more useful.

The QC people should change their song to QS, and stop bashing the mathematicians with arguments we can show are somewhere between incomplete and fallacious. Then they might find us drift over to supporting them because while Quantum Secrecy is not practical, it is very cool.


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