On Jun 26, 2007, at 10:10 AM, Nicolas Williams wrote:

This too is a *fundamental* difference between QKD and classical

What does this "classical" word mean? Is it the Quantum way to say "real"? I know we're in violent agreement, but why are we letting them play language games?

IMO, QKD's ability to discover passive eavesdroppers is not even
interesting (except from an intellectual p.o.v.) given: its inability to
detect MITMs, its inability to operate end-to-end across across middle
boxes, while classical crypto provides protection against eavesdroppers
*and* MITMs both *and* supports end-to-end operation across middle

Moreover, the quantum way of discovering passive eavesdroppers is really just a really delicious sugar coating on the classical term "denial of service." I'm not being DoSed, I'm detecting a passive eavesdropper!


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