On Oct 29, 2007, at 12:24 PM, travis+ml- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

* PGP Signed by an unknown key

So back in the bad old days when hashing was DES encryption of the
zero vector with a fixed key, someone came up with salt as a password
strengthening mechanism.

I'm not quite sure why it was called salt.

Before the bad old days of using DES, there was the old days of one- way functions. These one-way functions were not hash functions, they were one-way. They were in a sense related to hash functions, but perhaps more directly related to redundancy checks and similar polynomials.

The belief was that storing passwords in plaintext was a bad idea. A related notion was that storing a password encoded through a symmetric function was essentially storing it in plaintext.

The term salt comes from the metaphor of considering the process of one-waying a password to be like making hamburger out of meat, or stew out of ingredients, or some other cooking metaphor. The salt was introduced to address the issue of dictionary attacks and carried the observation that cooking is better if you add a little salt to it. The salt was a sprinkling of an arbitrary constant into the function to spice it up a bit.

The people who worked on these password-grinding systems had a tendency to sneer at those who would use a cipher such as DES for that because DES is reversible. Using a reversible function is essentially storing the password in plaintext. Munging DES was seen by those people as inferior to designing one-way functions that were properly one-way. Eventually, these became a subset of what one would use a hash function for.

The IV in a block cipher serves the same function as salt. It's called an IV, though because of the different path of development. The term "salt" gets used in other places, like with randomized hashing, which is often also called salting a hash, too.

The question you had is how much entropy there should be in salt. The answer is none, but that's a very subtle answer. Salt is -arbitrary- as opposed to -random-. As it turns out, the best way to get a 256- bit arbitrary number is to pull it off your RNG. Arbitrary numbers like salt, don't have to worry about subtle issues that you'd want key material to worry about. Arbitrary numbers are in general public (or at least not secret), and key material is secret.

With salt, you want the number to be unique-ish, as the whole point is to stymie dictionary attacks. A counter is likely not such a great idea, because of collisions, but there are all sorts of things you could do that would be very very bad with key material but are mostly okay with salt. Nonetheless, the easiest way to get salt with a system that has an RNG is to just pull the number off the RNG. But that doesn't mean it has entropy.

Now as what to call it? I like "salt."


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