Peter Gutmann wrote:
IanG <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

4.  Skype.  Doesn't do email, but aside from that minor character flaw, it
cracked everything else.  It's the best example of what it should look like.

The UI still leaves quite a lot to be desired.  Try sitting a non-geek user in
front of a fresh Skype install and see how long it takes them to figure out
how to make a phonecall to (say) a Skype user name supplied via email.  I've
seen times of 15+ minutes to make the first call (OK, so I treat neighbours
and family as UI guinea pigs :-).  Skype still has a lot of fundamental
usability flaws like the inability to remember a password (requiring it to be
manually re-entered each time it's run unless you choose to start Skype on
system boot) that make it a less-than-perfect example of usable security.

I don't know what OS you are running Skype on but for me on MacOS X I never have to enter my Skype password because it is saved in the MacOS X keyring and Skype isn't set to start at system boot (user login really) for my account.

Darren J Moffat

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