> I looked at the GNFS runtime and plugged a few numbers in.  It seems
> RSA Security is using a more conservative constant of about 1.8 rather
> than the suggested 1.92299...
> See:
> http://mathworld.wolfram.com/NumberFieldSieve.html
> So using 1.8, a 1024 bit RSA key is roughly equivalent to a 81 bit
> symmetric key.  Plugging in 1280 yields 89 bits.
> I'm of the opinion that if you take action to improve security, you
> should get more than 8 additional bits for your efforts.  For example,
> 1536 shouldn't be that much slower but gives 96 bits of security.

Here's the actual data, in terms of transactions per second, I'm getting for
a sample app:

512: 710.042382
1024: 187.187719
1280: 108.592265
1536: 73.314751
2048: 20.645645

2048 ain't happening.  The relative diff between 1280 and 1536 is
interesting though.

> For posterity, here is a table using 1.8 for the GNFS constant:
> RSA    Symmetric
> ----------------
> 256      43.7
> 512      59.8
> 768      71.6
> 1024     81.2
> 1280     89.5
> 1536     96.8
> 2048     109.4
> 3072     129.9
> 4096     146.5
> 8192     195.1
Do other cracking mechanisms have similar curves to GNFS (with different

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