Paul Hoffman wrote:
At 9:52 AM -0400 7/17/10, Thierry Moreau wrote:
Incidentally, you say you [the design team] had good *documented* reasons for 
implementing DURZ *as*you*did*. Did you document why any of 
unknown/proprietary/foreign signature algorithm code(s) were not possible (this 
was an alternative)? This was my outstanding question.

Thierry, can you say how using one of those alternatives would look different than the 
DURZ that they used? Should they all be marked as "unverfied" in a compliant 
DNSSEC resolver?

Yes. E.g. if a zone is signed only by algorithm GOOSE_128, and your validating resolver does not know this algorithm, the DNS zone data remains "insecure" (this is what you mean by "unverified" I guess). That's in the DNSSEC protocol.


- Thierry Moreau

CONNOTECH Experts-conseils inc.
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