On Oct 8, 2013, at 6:10 PM, Arnold Reinhold wrote:

> On Oct 7, 2013, at 12:55 PM, Jerry Leichter wrote:
>> On Oct 7, 2013, at 11:45 AM, Arnold Reinhold <a...@me.com> wrote:
>>> If we are going to always use a construction like AES(KDF(key)), as Nico 
>>> suggests, why not go further and use a KDF with variable length output like 
>>> Keccak to replace the AES key schedule? And instead of making provisions to 
>>> drop in a different cipher should a weakness be discovered in AES,  make 
>>> the number of AES (and maybe KDF) rounds a negotiated parameter.  Given 
>>> that x86 and ARM now have AES round instructions, other cipher algorithms 
>>> are unlikely to catch up in performance in the foreseeable future, even 
>>> with an higher AES round count. Increasing round count is effortless 
>>> compared to deploying a new cipher algorithm, even if provision is made the 
>>> protocol. Dropping such provisions (at least in new designs) simplifies 
>>> everything and simplicity is good for security.
>> That's a really nice idea.  It has a non-obvious advantage:  Suppose the AES 
>> round instructions (or the round key computations instructions) have been 
>> "spiked" to leak information in some non-obvious way - e.g., they cause a 
>> power glitch that someone with the knowledge of what to look for can use to 
>> read of some of the key bits.  The round key computation instructions 
>> obviously have direct access to the actual key, while the round computation 
>> instructions have access to the round keys, and with the standard round 
>> function, given the round keys it's possible to determine the actual key.
>> If, on the other hand, you use a cryptographically secure transformation 
>> from key to round key, and avoid the built-in round key instructions 
>> entirely; and you use CTR mode, so that the round computation instructions 
>> never see the actual data; then AES round computation functions have nothing 
>> useful to leak (unless they are leaking all their output, which would 
>> require a huge data rate and would be easily noticed).  This also means that 
>> even if the round instructions are implemented in software which allows for 
>> side-channel attacks (i.e., it uses an optimized table instruction against 
>> which cache attacks work), there's no useful data to *be* leaked.
> At least in the Intel AES instruction set, the encode and decode instruction 
> have access to each round key except the first. So they could leak that data, 
> and it's at least conceivable that one can recover the first round key from 
> later ones (perhaps this has been analyzed?).  Knowing all the round keys of 
> course enables one to decode the data.  Still, this greatly increases the 
> volume o data that must be leaked and if any instructions are currently 
> "spiked," it is most likely the round key generation assist instruction. One 
> could include an IV in the initial hash, so no information could be gained 
> about the key itself.  This would work with AES(KDF(key+IV)) as well, 
> however. 
>> So this is a mode for safely using possibly rigged hardware.  (Of course 
>> there are many other ways the hardware could be rigged to work against you.  
>> But with their intended use, hardware encryption instructions have a huge 
>> target painted on them.)
>> Of course, Keccak itself, in this mode, would have access to the real key.  
>> However, it would at least for now be implemented in software, and it's 
>> designed to be implementable without exposing side-channel attacks.
>> There are two questions that need to be looked at:
>> 1.  Is AES used with (essentially) random round keys secure?  At what level 
>> of security?  One would think so, but this needs to be looked at carefully.
> The fact that the round keys are simply xor'd with the AES state at the start 
> of each round suggest this likely secure. One would have to examine the KDF 
> to make sure the there is nothing comparable to the related key attacks on 
> the AES key set up. 
>> 2.  Is the performance acceptable?
> The comparison would be to AES(KDF(key)). And in how many applications is key 
> agility critical?
>> BTW, some of the other SHA-3 proposals use the AES round transformation as a 
>> primitive, so could also potentially be used in generating a secure round 
>> key schedule.  That might (or might not) put security-critical information 
>> back into the hardware instructions.
>> If Keccak becomes the standard, we can expect to see a hardware Keccak-f 
>> implementation (the inner transformation that is the basis of each Keeccak 
>> round) at some point.  Could that be used in a way that doesn't give it the 
>> ability to leak critical information?
>>                                                       -- Jerry
> Given multi-billion transistor CPU chips with no means to audit them, It's 
> hard to see how they can be fully trusted.
> Arnold Reinhold

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