On Jan 27, 2012, at 5:22 PM, Noon Silk wrote:

> So why didn't one of these "real world" people point this out, to
> researchers? It's a bit too easy to claim something as obvious when
> someone just told you.

There are any number of us who have been quantum skeptics for years, and the 
responses that have come back to us have been essentially that the fact that we 
were skeptical showed ipso facto that we didn't know what we were talking 
about. The quantum folks have just insisted that doubting quantum cryptography 
was like doubting evolution or gravity.

Nonetheless, as prettily fragrant as the schadenfreude is this evening, I'm not 
sure I buy this paper, either. I'm immediately reminded of Clarke's First Law. 
(Not the technology and magic one, but one about elderly and distinguished 
scientists making predictions.)

The quantum crypto people have earned contempt from us math people by 
high-handedly dismissing any operational concerns, by fake competition -- 
insisting on the false dilemma that quantum and mathematical techniques are 
product and technological competitors, and even in the very *word* 
"cryptography." Quantum cryptography is not cryptography. It is an amazing bit 
of physics. In the last few years, they've backed off to "quantum key 
distribution" but "quantum *secrecy*" is not only more accurate, less snake 
oil, and far cooler than either of the terms.

Heck, just this week, an article "Quantum mechanics enables perfectly secure 
cloud computing" showed up on physorg.com at 
 It manages to put the same snake oil into the very headline by using the word 
"perfect." It's been a relatively few days since I read something else where 
they were claiming that devices to do quantum crypto to mobile devices are 
around the corner, unironically including the trusted third party in the middle 
that acts as a key router. That one's perfect, too.

I can hardly wait to see the rebuttals to this paper.


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