Jon Callas wrote:
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On Oct 10, 2012, at 6:52 AM, Jonathan Katz wrote:

Looking at this just from the point of view of client-server authentication, how is this 
any better than having the website generate a cryptographically strong 
"password" at sign-up time, and then having the client store it in the password 
cache of their browser?

Note that both solutions suffer from the same drawback: it becomes more 
difficult for a user to log on from different computers.

An excellent point, Jonathan.

I also wonder why there has to be any certification at all?

Right now, web sites store a user name and a representation of a password. 
(Note that a password, a hash of a password, etc. are all representations of 
that password.)

Why not store a representation of a *key* (a hash is a representation of a key) 
and then prove possession of the key? It doesn't need to be certified. I can 
store that key on as many computers as needed via a keychain or something like 

The server then binds a public key to an account. I refer to this as "first party certification" (relying party maintains its own trust database and has no need to issue certificates). It suggests a user mental model where the PPKP (public-private key pair) becomes the authenticating data element. The public key certificate becomes irrelevant.

Of course, one could have that key be part of a certificate for the times that 
that is necessary.

When needed, e.g. for TLS session negotiation, it can be either self-signed, or auto-issued with the AIXCM dummy CA (

Self-signing (or self-issuing) on-the-fly leaves the X.509 details out of the key store.

Maybe a single (or a few) PPKP(s) would be easier to migrate from one device to the other (easier than a full key store synchronization).

A single PPKP solves the Yet Another Account concern raised by others, at the cost of privacy protection (maybe one can't have his cake and eat it -- within the TLS paradigm).

Tools to manage the single PPKP would preferably be independent of a specific browser. In applying the openssl utilities to this task for a proof of concept, one notices the many inconsistencies of PKCS#? and the endless X.509 details.

You may guess I am investigating these avenues. However, my primary focus is not the low-value authenticated web session use case. Accordingly, some of the observations above may be out-of-sync with the real world challenges.

- Thierry Moreau
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