On May 18, 2013, at 2:51 PM, Ed Stone <t...@synernet.com> wrote:

> Jeffrey Walton wrote:
>> * Scan IM messages for dangerous content from people you don't know.
>> This means <company> will read (and possibly retain) some of your
>> messages to determine if some (or all) of the message is dangerous.
>> ….
>> Give an choice, it seems like selection two is a good balance.
> Does that selection require that <company> has a list of people you DO know?

don't know if it requires it, but it helps.  it's your buddy list, contacts 
list, address book,
which is often on their service anyway.

unfortunately, the account takeover scenario means a it's less useful than one 
naively hope, now that abusers routinely use taken-over accounts to circumvent
such controls.

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