I know that this is going to sound nearly impossible and I cannot fully explain 
how it works but after witnessing the evidence left behind by this technology I 
feel that it is necessary to inform the more intelligent out there of the 
reality of how the NSA is bridging the air gap on secure systems.

Several years ago at a friends house I for some reason got to looking around 
the house with a magnifying glass and discovered some very small perfectly 
straight scratches on objects around the house. 

I thought that I could determine whether or not they were man-made because they 
just appeared too straight and something about them just looked funny.

I attempted to align several magnifying glasses with alligator clamps and a 
metal base so that I could study the scratches under a variety of different 
lights. I tried ultra violet, green and red light from varying angles.

Immediately I noticed that what I thought to be scratches were actually 
microscopic inscriptions.  Unable to read them I went to the hardware store and 
procured a small pen microscope.

By holding the green light at a 45 degree angle I could make out the words THE 
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA written multiple times. The words themselves were 
inscribed so perfectly that they appeared to be a scratch to the naked eye. At 
75x magnification in all caps they were barely legible.

After finding this I began to wonder how it had been done. All that I can 
figure is that the NSA is using nanites to spy on us. If this is accurate then 
they have a device that is essentially comprised of millions of nanites that 
have cutting tools and exhibit swarm behavior that work collectively to 
infiltrate computer systems by cutting directly into our boards and chips. 
These devices are mobile hardware trojans. Dont ask me how something so small 
could be capable of transmitting but I have witnessed it. Whatever frequency 
they are emitting is not a standard electromagnetic frequency. I believe that 
they are emitting some other type of frequency that is maybe positronic or some 
other wierd science.

The NSA has all the geniuses. 

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

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