On 2014-01-17 01:28, John Young wrote:
Civil engineers never say a dam is infallible, they say it will fail, watch
for well-known weak spots, prepare to patch and maintain continuously,
and never forget the disasters of over-confidence, limited construction
budgets, cut backs in maintenance, and water policy exploiters.

The relevant analogy is not that a dam might fail, but that the builders were paid ten million dollars to make sure it failed when the town's enemies wanted it to fail by planting dynamite in the dam.

This is not business as usual. We will not continue in this path. We will not continue to use dam builders who put dynamite in their dams.

People are not going to accept RSA solutions, and they are not going to accept IETF solutions.

You cannot just say that shit happens, and continue business as normal. That is not going to fly.

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