On Fri, Nov 27, 2015 at 5:47 PM, Greg <g...@kinostudios.com> wrote:
> Thought this list would be interested in reading about the roll that Google 
> played in compromising 100k+ users (in addition to Dell):
> https://www.reddit.com/r/crypto/comments/3u92aw/dells_tumble_googles_fumble_and_how_government/cxejl5y

They seem to be missing the issue (if I am parsing it correctly):

  REDDIT > So you are saying that Chrome should roll out its own
  REDDIT > cert store because relying on Windows 10's cert store is
  REDDIT > insecure?
  REDDIT > Sorry your argument seems very weak and odd to me.
  REDDIT > It also detracts away from the severity of what Dell has done.

That's not Chrome or Windows per se. Rather, that it is a feature of
the Web/Browser security model. In the security model, proxying and
interception is a valid use case. You can thank the browser
(in)security engineers for that.

It not just limited to W3C participants. The IETF just jumped on the
"proxying and interception is a valid use case" bandwagon with RFC
7469, "Public Key Pinning with Overrides"
(https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7469). Checkout section 4, and then
try to find what the override is supposed to do, or additional
information or guidance on using it.

Finally, don't look to the IETF to help distinguish the "good" bad
guys from the "bad" bad guys when a conforming user agent does
override (or tries to decide if it should override). I've been trying
to discover that myself. See "How do we differentiate authentic
servers from proxies performing TLS interception",

And finally (and either humorously or sadly, depending on your state
of mind), the PKIX's position is there's no difference between
authentic server authentication and an imposter pretending to be an
authentic server. They are happy to allow a CA to issue certificates
for either usage, even though they appear to be as diametrically
opposed as you can get.

The NSA and GCHQ does not need to limit cryptography or algorithms.
They just need more browser (in)security engineers in more working

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