Ian Brown writes:

>It won't take long to use the WIPO, WTO, and good 'ole US strongarm 
>tactics to
>impose this legislation on the rest of the world. Meanwhile, we impose
>crippling sanctions on any company with any US exposure that produces such
>devices. cf Cuba, war on drugs, etc. etc.

Before we engage in the usual tirades against the Great Satan, let's note this:

Round about the time the recording industries were hobbling DAT decks to 
make sure they would not threaten their business, there was an attempt to 
make the PC industry build in anti-copy technology like the one in digital 
tape decks. The computer hardware lobby, assisted by some non-profits, 
killed the measure handily.

I see little reason to believe we won't see a similar result this time, 
especially given the huge issue (finally!) digital copyright has become. 
After all, what hardware company wants to sell a hobbled computer whose 
main purpose is to protect someone else's line of business?

Hollings will make more enemies than he cares to think of if he proceeds 
with this dead-on-arrival bill.

Will Rodger
Washington, DC

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