At 09:59 AM 10/16/2001, Peter Fairbrother wrote:

>The affidavit is extremely complex and hard to unravel, whether to try to
>preserve secrecy, in the hope that it will confuse the defence/Court, or
>perhaps it's just legalese, I don't know.

I spoke to someone a couple of years ago who had tried to establish a set 
of technical standards for handling host security logs so that they could 
be used as legal evidence, and ran into a stone wall at the Justice 
Department. Evidently they feared that defendants could manipulate any such 
standards to ensure that *no* electronic evidence could ever stand up in court.

I suspect the affidavit is badly written so that it meets the minimum 
standard for the court while providing as little useful information as 

[EMAIL PROTECTED]            roseville, minnesota
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